UNG and Ehime Continue Environmental Cooperation with Local Government

Oleh: Nunu Fadna Adam . June 21, 2016 . 15:17:00

Gorontalo, June 20 (UNG) - After a coordination meeting with the district governments Bone Bolango, UNG and Ehime continue the mission ‘save Gorontalo’s environment’ by meeting directly with the Provincial Government of Gorontalo. The meeting between representatives of Ehime University, Prof. Dr. Sakakibara and Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Prof. Dr. Evi Hulukati, M.Pd with the Gorontalo governor, Drs. Rusli Habibie, M.AP still discussing the rescue efforts and the prevention of environmental pollution hazards. A meeting with Rector of State University of Gorontalo Prof. Dr. Syamsu Qamar Badu, M.Pd, followed that meeting.

Dean of the Faculty of Science Prof. Dr. Evi Hulukati, M.Pd, revealed the plan of cooperation between UNG, Ehime University and Gorontalo provincial government scheduled to include issue of Gorontalo environmental protection from the dangers of environmental pollution, especially the danger of chemical substances. Ehime together with UNG plans to conduct research on the environmental conditions in three gold mine regions namely Pohuwato districts, North Gorontalo (Gorontalo Utara) and Bone Bolango. The results of this study will be used as a recommendation to the Government, which can then become reference for decision making related to environmental issues in Gorontalo.

“Ehime will send seven students to do the KKS (Students Study Service) in Gorontalo," said Prof. Evi. Furthermore, Prof. Evi explains the seven students scheduled to carry out community work in the field of research together with students of UNG next August to have research for environmental problems that occurred in Gorontalo and find solutions to problems related to it. "This will begin with signing of the MoU between UNG, Ehime and the Government of Gorontalo province in Japan which scheduled to be held this October 2016," said her after the meeting.


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