Through the letter of the Director General of GTK KEMDIKBUDRISTEK number 0532/B2/GT.00.02/2023 concerning the Announcement of Administration Selection Results and In-service PPG Academic Selection Information for 2023, 153 Participants (consisting of targeted participants 1, 2, 3, and 4) from Gorontalo Province passed. The most participants came from Central Java Province with 9.335 participants and the least from West Papua Province with 37 participants, for a total of 43.565 participants from 34 Provinces.
Following up on the 2023 In-Service PPG administrative selection for participants, the administration verification and validation for target 1, 2, 3 and 4 within the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology is online through the SIMPKB application, and the following details must be paid attention:
1. From the results of the administrative selection, a total of 43.565 participants passed, as listed in the recapitulation in Appendix I, the complete results can be seen on the page or through their respective SIMPKB accounts.
2. Teachers who have passed the administrative selection must update their cell phone numbers (WhatsApp), passport photos, and link on their respective SIMPKB profiles.
3. Verification and Validation of target 1, 2, and 3 participants who have passed the administrative selection should monitor information on the implementation of In-service PPG for 2023 on the page or through their respective SIMPKB accounts.
4. Verification and Validation of target 4 participants who have passed the administrative selection must take part in the academic selection according to the schedule in Appendix II. Academic selection will be
carried out online based on domicile. Complete information can be monitored via the page and their respective SIMPKB accounts.
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