GORONTALO – in the peak of the Faculty of Medicine (FK) 3rd Anniversary of Universitas Negeri Gorontalo(UNG) was filled with a national webinar with the theme of the challenges of the present and future Indonesian medical profession.
This Webinar was opened by the Rector of UNG, Dr. Ir. Eduart Wolok, ST MT. In his speech, Dr. Eduart Wolok, MT said that 3 years is indeed a very young age for the UNG Faculty of Medicine, especially when facing various challenges like today. However, he is very optimistic that this faculty will become the best.
"I see this faculty continues committed to increasing its capacity and capability. So that with what is being done now by the faculty, I am very optimistic that this faculty will lead to a superior and competitive" said the Chancellor.
"This faculty continues to be committed to enhancing its capacity and capability. So, with what the faculty is doing now, I am extremely optimistic that it will lead to a superior and competitive faculty" The Rector stated.
The chairman dr. Zuhriana K Yusuf, M.Kes said that this webinar presented speakers from the Social Health Insurance Administration Body (BPJS) and the Director-General from the Ministry of Health.
"Thank God, the 3rd Anniversary of Faculty of Medicine UNG's in 2022 that was held on January 10 - March 5, 2022, with various kinds of activities have been completed and successful.
"Thank you to everyone who has contributed significantly to this activity, including the Rector and all levels of leadership at UNG, the Dean and leadership of faculty of medicine of UNG, the Academic Community of FK, Lecturers, educational staff and students, Sponsors, and especially friends of the extraordinary committee," said Zuhriana. (**)
Apel dalam rangkaian peringatan hari lahir UNG
Kegiatan UNG bersholawat dilaksanakan pukul 19.15 WITA.