Gorontalo: After successfully passing 15 Student Groups to be funded in the Student Creativity Program (PKM) for 2021, UNG, through the Student Affairs and Alumni Sector, seeks to carry out weighting for the groups that have passed. One of the steps taken is to provide special assistance by Student Career Development.
According to the Head of PKM Z.C Facrusyah, S.ST, Pi, M.Si, we passed 15 groups of grant recipients this year. This is the most significant number of UNG's participation in this program.
"With the increasing number of Grant recipient groups, of course, PKM is also trying to strengthen the quality of this group by assisting," he said.
By aggressively giving weightage and mentoring, he hopes that the assistance provided by all Student Groups can help implement each group's programs optimally and right on target.
"The mentoring process is not only in this activity. In the future, PKM has prepared various other programs, including presenting the Pimnas Jury to guide and assist these 15 groups," he explained.
Meanwhile, the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs and Alumni, Prof. Karmila Mahmud, M.A, Ph.D., said that she was happy with the number of grant recipient groups this year. According to her, the increase is evidence of the increasing interest of students to excel through this program.
"In addition to experiencing an increase in the number of groups, faculties that have never previously participated can also register their students who passed this year. This shows that the UNG Academic Community has realized the importance of working together to improve student achievement," said Karmila.
On this occasion, Karmila also expressed her hope that the funded student groups can carry out their respective programs as well as possible so that the Monev implementation will qualify for the National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS) event. (Wahid)
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