Leading the Morning Roll Call, the Rector Alluded Achievements of UNG in 2023

Oleh: Pebriansah . January 2, 2024 . 15:52:03

GORONTALO – The long journey in 2023 will be a proud journey for Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, as according to the Rector of UNG Prof. Dr. Ir. Eduart Wolok, S.T., M.T., the year is full of blessings for the entire academic community, seeing the various achievements that have been made.

"2023 will be the first year for UNG to be able to fill eight sectors for assessing university Key Performance Indicators (IKU), after being unable to do it in previous years. Thanks to these results, UNG is in Indonesia's top 30 state universities," said the Rector.

Apart from success in achieving IKU, for the first time, UNG has succeeded in sending two students to take part in a prestigious student exchange program to two overseas universities in Taiwan and Italy. This success is very encouraging as, until now, not all universities have reached this milestone (IISMA Program).

"We also managed to be internationally accredited in 2023. There were 5 accredited study programs, including Bachelor's degree programs in Physics Education, Chemistry Education, Biology Education, Geography Education, and English Education," explained the Rector.

In student affairs, they also engraved proud achievements, where, for the first time, UNG students won medals at the 2023 National Student Science Week (PIMNAS). Meanwhile, at the PEKSIMINAS (National Student Arts Week) and POMNAS (National Student Sports Week) events, UNG students also achieved various achievements that placed Gorontalo Province as the best in the eastern part of Indonesia.

"These various achievements are complemented by UNG's achievement of having a journal indexed by Scopus for the first time by the Jambura Law Review journal," he explained.

According to him, this series of achievements could be achieved thanks to the synergy and collaboration of the entire UNG academic community. These achievements show that UNG is currently on the right track, and it is a tough challenge for the next leadership of the 2023-2027 period to maintain and improve the achievements. (**)


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as STKIP N. Gorontalo



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