Gorontalo- The programme electric car that develop Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS), which doing the mobility around Indonesia and finally has been arrived in Gorontalo. The present ITS team used of engineering faculty to cunducting various knowledge about the development electric car with students and lecturer, Tuesday 26th of March.
The Dean of Engineering Faculty Dr. Eng. Rifadli Bahsuan , S.T., M.T welcome above the present of ITS and PLN in Engineering faculty. He believed that sharing the knowledge with team electrik car is very important for encourage the spirit dan interest of the student, in following track of ITS in inovation several product industry that have many benefit to society.
“Rifaldi expected that the student can strengthen knowledge and the inovation. In addition, it can give benefit to the country and society.”
Rifaldy mentioned that the inovation that conducted by ITS must follow by university. It not just give inovation on otomotif field but inovation in other technology that useful to the society.
“ What ITS hold is push to Engineering Faculty of UNG takes an inovation. Althought, advanced as great as ITS but we have a big commited to follow the track of inovation of the advanced University.” He said.
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