The massive spreading of HIV/AIDS disease in community environment moves The Faculty of Science UNG to fight against the spreading of the disease. This effort is shown through providing the information for students in HIV/AIDS socialization activity, Thursday (23/8), at Auditorium Building UNG.
Collaborating with the AIDS Prevention Committee and Gorontalo Province Public Health Office, FMIPA also conducts HIV/AIDS medical checkup for all students especially the new students who attend the socialization activity.
According to Dean of Science Faculty Prof. Dr. Evi Hulukati, M.Pd, the HIV/AIDS socialization, and checkup is the prevention step for Science Faculty students from the deadly disease. Moreover, the spreading of HIV is very common among young people through promiscuity, drug abuse, and free sex.
“We are committed to keeping our students from deadly disease. Therefore, the socialization of the danger of HIV/AIDS becomes the first step to avoid students from HIV/AIDS,” Prof. Evi said.
In addition to avoid students from HIV/AIDS, with students understanding about spreading pattern and the danger of HIV/AIDS is expected to Share the knowledge of the HIV/AIDS negative impact on people, especially in their family environment. This thing to prevent the spreading of the disease in Gorontalo Province.
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