UNG Students Empowered the Community Through the Healthy Village House Program

Oleh: Rachmad Hidayah . April 6, 2022 . 13:44:12

Gorontalo State University students who are members of the community service (KKN) program are focusing on carrying out various empowerment activities in Bonubogu and Konamukan Villages, Bonubogu District, Buol Regency, Central Sulawesi Province.

In the program, there are 10 students in the village with the Village Coordinator Zulkifli Imran, trying to realize a community empowerment program by initiating the Healthy Village House (RDS).

According to Zulkifli, the Healthy Village House is one of the programs run by KKN-Thematic students, which aims to increase community empowerment through increasing health resilience and family welfare.

"To maximize the implementation of this program, we first carried out socialization which was coordinated directly by the Field Supervisor (DPL), as well as in collaboration with the local village government and local health centers," he said.

After conducting the socialization, said Zulkifli, optimization of healthy village houses was carried out by forming an administrator or RDS. Later these administrators will serve as agents, promoters and motivators in carrying out the RDS program in empowering the community.

"This RDS program is used as a center for community learning, health literacy, dissemination of health information, and health promotion," he explained.

The community also gave a positive response and was very enthusiastic to attend this activity. This can be seen from the active participation of community leaders and health cadres in the question and answer session conducted during this socialization. The head of Konamukan Village, Sadri R. Suleman, admitted that with the program carried out by these students, the community was greatly helped in carrying out activities in the village environment.

"Especially with the establishment of the Healthy Village House Program, this can be a forum for the community to exchange information related to health," said Sadri.


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