The Bank Indonesia Scholarship is a scholarship provided by Bank Indonesia for undergraduate and vocational students at PTN & PTS and selected SMK students. BI will assist with tuition fees, study allowances, and living expenses through this scholarship. Universitas Negeri Gorontalo has the opportunity to award this scholarship every year. Since 2014. In 2022, UNG will receive a quota of 88 people.
- Regular Undergraduate Students
- At least has completed three semesters or have taken at least 40 (forty) credits
- Comes from an economically disadvantaged family (pre-prosperous)
- Have a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3. twenty-three age of 23 (twenty-three) years old or not yet 24 years old when appointed as a scholarship recipient
- Not working or being in an official bond status from other institutions/agencies
- The mobile phone number listed on the Scholarship Form and BI Scholarship Biodata Form will not be changed while receiving the BI Scholarship
- Have experience carrying out social activities that have a beneficial impact on the community
- Make a personal resume and motivation letter (in Indonesian)
- Include letters of recommendation from figures (academic or non-academic)
- Have an interest and experience in carrying out social activities that have a beneficial impact on the community
- Willing to play an active role in the New Generation of Indonesia (GENBI) and participate in activities organized by Bank Indonesia.
Document Requirement
- Fill out the UNG scholarship form (attached)
- Fill in the biodata provided by Bank Indonesia (Form A.1) and signed by the student on stamp duty (attached)
- Transcript for the odd semester 2018/2019
- Photocopy of Study Results Card (KHS) for the last odd semester 2018/2019
- Identity Card (KTP) or Student Card Photocopy
- Family Card Photocopy or Birth Certificate Photocopy
- Certificate of the weak or underprivileged economy from the Village
- Statement letter not currently in an official bond with any agency (attached)
- Statement letter willing to become an active member of the Bank Indonesia GENBI Scholarship Recipient Community organization (attached)
- Certificate of not currently receiving a scholarship from BAKP (Student Section)
- Recommendation letter from 1 (one) academic or non-academic figure
- 1 sheet of 3 X 4 color passport
- The files in items 1 to 12 (2 copies each) are put in 2 cardboard folders (light yellow color)
Scholarship Quota
The quota for prospective recipients is given by Bank Indonesia and distributed by Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Sending future recipients of Bank Indonesia scholarships (complete files) shall not be later than the date set to the BAKP Student Affairs Section. The proposals become invalid if submitted past the deadline.
Selection Mechanism