GORONTALO – In response to the potential of the mining sector in Gorontalo Province, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo will open a department specializing in mining. This plan was revealed by the UNG Rector, Prof. Dr. Ir. Eduart Wolok, S.T., M.T., after signing the collaboration with PT. Puncak Emas Tani Sejahtera (PETS) and PT. Gorontalo Sejahtera Mining (GSM), Wednesday (21/2),.
“The presence of PT. PETS and PT GSM encourages UNG to open itself up, to look at future developments to open a mining department," said the Rector.
According to him, in line with the fact that the mining potential in Gorontalo Province is quite large, and this potential must be sustained through the availability of suitable and qualified human resources.
"We do not want the public to become spectators of mining investments carried out in Gorontalo Province. We must be the main players by contributing to the development of the industrial area," explained the Rector.
Therefore, to embody the commitment in this field, UNG will strive to implement and improve human resource readiness, including by opening other relevant study programs to support the development of industrial areas in the mining sector. (**)
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