Since 2022, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo (UNG) has developed an official language services and test center in Gorontalo through the Language Center. This institution is established as an effort to improve and synergize the role of the Universitas Negeri Gorontalo in providing information services to students and staff of UNG as well as the community about study abroad, scholarships and language services.
In supporting users’ convenience, UPT Bahasa has equipped with comfort facilities for classrooms, such as Wi-Fi, AC, Student Lounge, and a beautiful garden for children to learn outside the classroom. The learning process is also supported by internationally qualified teaching staff, graduates from reputable Indonesia and overseas universities who have the ability and experience in teaching methods and creativity. UPT. Bahasa (language Center) has proven as the credible language center that has to provide language services for educational purposes business and other professional needs.
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