GORONTALO - UNG's s student admissions line will increase in addition to the National Selection of State University Entrance (SNMPTN), Joint Selection of State Universities (SBMPTN) and Mandiri Selection Selection in 2017, State University of Gorontalo will also receive new students through Higher Education Affirmation Program the Outlying, Left and Left Outside (AD 3T) and ADik Papua.
"In 2017 the government programmed the scholarship of Adik 3T and Adik Papua, and UNG became one of the universities that received the prospective students through this program," said Head of Academic UNG Zumriyati Mohamad, S.Pd, M.Pd, when interviewed on Wednesday 26/7).
Students received by UNG through Adik 3T and Adik Papua program are 25 students, while 9 student are from Papua. "The UNG quota on this program is determined by the Central Government through Kemristekdikti. This is the second year for UNG to receive students through the 3T and ADik Papua Adik program," he said.
The selection process of Adik 3T and ADik Papua program through Local Government in cooperation with Kemristekdikti. For the dissemination to 25 prospective students, almost entirely evenly distributed in 10 faculties in UNG.
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