Accreditation is a measure of the quality of study programs and universities in Indonesia. The Chancellor targets that UNG should be able to increase the university's accreditation rating from the previous accreditation rating of A to an excellent accreditation rating.
"UNG must be able to achieve superior accreditation, this is important to prove the quality of higher education," said the Rector when opening a workshop to prepare the accreditation of superior study programs towards UNG with the predicate of excellent accreditation.
One of the requirements for universities to achieve superior accreditation is to have study programs with excellent accreditation ratings. However, currently UNG only has 2 study programs with excellent accreditation ratings, while the requirement is that there are at least 3 more study programs that must be able to achieve excellent accreditation ratings.
"Currently, the minimum score required for university accreditation ranking, namely excellent accredited study programs, is still lacking, this must be fulfilled because it is an absolute requirement for university accreditation rankings," said the Rector.
According to the Rector, with the preparations made, UNG is required to fulfill various requirements. Of course, great hopes are placed on study programs that are ready for the accreditation stage, especially towards excellent accreditation ratings. In addition, study programs with accreditation rating B must be upgraded back to excellent accreditation status.
“The accreditation status does not belong to the Chancellor but belongs and becomes the pride of the entire academic community. This must be instilled so that we can work to make it happen together through contributions in various fields,” he concluded.
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