GORONTALO - The routine morning roll call for educational staff at Universitas Negeri Gorontalo was attended by the Vice-Rector for General and Finance Affairs, Dr. Ir. Yuniarti Koniyo, MP, as the leader. In her address, Yuniarti emphasized the importance of the call, including improving discipline.
"Apart from being disciplined, attending morning roll call is also important for maintaining and strengthening friendship and the cohesiveness of all educational staff of UNG," said Yuniarti.
According to her, cohesiveness among the staff is one of the important elements in supporting the implementation of tasks and work. In addition, communication and coordination between each other must also be continuously developed because both are important in building a good work environment.
"Hopefully, staff can continue to team up to realize a work program to support UNG's vision to be excellent and competitive," he explained.
In the last three years, said Yuniarti, UNG has made achievements in various fields. This achievement could not have been separated from the support of the staff, who have worked hard in carrying out their duties and functions as well as possible. (**)
Apel dalam rangkaian peringatan hari lahir UNG
Kegiatan UNG bersholawat dilaksanakan pukul 19.15 WITA.