Five UNG High-Achieving Students during PIMNAS Rewarded with Undergraduate Thesis-Free Graduation

Oleh: Pebriansah . January 12, 2024 . 11:39:26

GORONTALO – Students from the Student Creativity - Entrepreneurship Program (PKM-K) group who achieved silver medals at the 2023 National Student Science Week (PIMNAS) will be converted into course credits through the student achievement recognition program.

Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs Dr. dr. Vivien Novarina A. Kasim, M.Kes., said that to follow up on the achievement recognition program, the Medical Faculty held a student recognition seminar. The seminar was held specifically for five students who won silver medals for the 2023 PIMNAS PKM-K Program.

"In the recognition seminar, PKM-K group students presented the program they brought to the 2023 PIMNAS event. This is the first UNG students’ achievement to be recognized in their undergraduate thesis," said Vivien.

PKM-K Medicine supervising lecturer, dr. Abdi Dzul Ikram Hassanuddin, M. Biomed., explained that achievement recognition for course credits has been following recognition guide number 24, for national-level competition winners registered at the National Achievement Center (Puspresnas) of the Ministry of Education and Culture, one of which is PIMNAS. Based on the recognition guidelines for PIMNAS silver medal achievement, students will receive recognition with a value of 4 credits for the appropriate course.

"The Faculty of Medicine decides the credit recognition for the course is directed to the undergraduate thesis as it is the same as our undergraduate thesis value of 4 credits. "The details include the proposal seminar to closed undergraduate thesis exam stages, and it is worth an A mark," she explained.

Meanwhile, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. dr. Cecy Rahma Karim, Sp.GK., hoped that recognizing student achievements in course credits can motivate students to make achievements in national-level competitions held by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

This recognition seminar was also attended by the Chair of the Quality Assurance and Learning Development Institute, Prof. Dr. Elya Nusantari, M.Pd., Head of the Academic, Student Affairs and Planning Bureau Zumriaty Husain Mohamad, S.Pd., M.Pd., and other officials as mentioned in the guidelines. Meanwhile, the PKM-K Medicine group was chaired by M Rizky Pratama Saiu (Medical Study Program Class of 2020), with members Putri Eka Ayu Lestari (Medical Study Program Class of 2020), Nadzwa Maulana Lynn (Medical Study Program Class of 2021), Ainun Fauzie Habie (Medical Study Program Class of 2020) and Wandi Patalani (Economics Education Study Program Class. The group’s paper is enitled KARAWO-HITS: Karawo’s Histological Motifs of Human Body Tissue Based on the Pixelart Application as an Effort to Increase the Selling Value of Karawo Craft. (**)


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