The student of Management is no need to have final examination with several requirement

Oleh: Abdul Wahid Rauf . 8 April 2019 . 14:47:00


GORONTALO – Good news to the student in particular programme study of Management; Economic faculty. It because the programme study is using the policy that make student easier and no need final examination. But, that policy just for spesific student that has been to present their research in international conference.

“ The student of Programme study of Economic no need to conducting final examination but just for spesific student that has been to present their research in international conference”, stated by Manajemen Dr. Rizan Mahmud, S.Kom, M.M,.

The student that capable present their research in international conference it means an exellent achievement, and the point took from the result of the presentation in internasinal forum.

“Dr. Rizan Mahmud, S.Kim, M.M, mentioned that the students still follow the procedure of research examination. But no need to presentation their research in front of lecturer, becasue the point of the research taken from they presentation in iternasional conference.

The policy has been enactment since 2018 as an effort to advance the quality of alumnus programme study of Management, wherever , last year 4 students that used that policy.

“This is the form of inovation of programme study Management in fill in the acreditation of UNG and programme study”, he said.

In 2019 programme study of management targeted 30% of amount student in each generation participates in internasional conference. One of the strategy is choosing the potential student that have good achievement and by giving a different coaching , so that can pass the selection and be present in international conference.


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