Gorontalo – Since 2018; Universitas Negeri Gorontalo is official be one of the University that had A for accreditation institute. But the attainment is not mean a final stop to UNG, however UNG needs to fill in the accrediation stated by Rector UNG Prof.Dr. Syamsu Qamar Badu, M.Pd, during lead the Copri rite of UNG, Monday, 18th of February.
“We already reached the best accreditation and the next reponsibility is how to fill in that accreditation” said by Rector.
The way are to stengthen the implementation of quality dan quantity of Tridharma University related the aducation, the tutor, researcher and the servants of society.
“To filling the accreditation through various achievement in several aspect, whether lecturer’s achievement, the employee and student. So, the will to fill the accreditation needs a support and commitment by civitas academica.
“ The faculty, department and the programme study are the target to fill the accreditation, because the Tridharma of University is there. In other words, all of the elements of university have to commited to contributing of fill in the accreditation
Apel dalam rangkaian peringatan hari lahir UNG
Kegiatan UNG bersholawat dilaksanakan pukul 19.15 WITA.
as STKIP N. Gorontalo
from 27 province
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from 85 majors
at BLU Category
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