Let's Use Your Voting Rights in the 2022 presidential Elections of The president of the Student Executive Board (BEM)

Oleh: Abdul Wahid Rauf . 13 Maret 2022 . 12:36:51

GORONTALO - The election of the President and Vice President of the Student Executive Board of Universitas Negeri Gorontalo has entered the election stage. Based on the schedule determined by the Direct Election Commission (KPL), the election stage will be held on March 14, 2022.

Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Alumni Prof. Karmila Mahmud, MA, Ph.D., explained that the election stage on March 14, 2022, will start at 08.00 WITA and end at 16.00 WITA. Student voting rights can be used by e-vote to choose the best candidate pair who will lead the highest student organization at UNG.

"E-voting can be done by accessing the www.voteung.id page using a browsing application on the student's computer or smartphone. Next, students must enter their SIAT account number and password in order to use their voting rights," said Karmila.

With the limited election time given by KPL, Karmila asked students to access e-votes immediately and use their voting rights before the specified time limit.

"Let's vote to make the democratic party of the 2022 BEM UNG Presidential Election a success. Use your rights wisely and responsibly to create an increasingly superior and competitive BEM UNG" he concluded.

The 2022 election contestation was followed by three pairs of candidates, namely, candidate number one Moh. Fajri Langgene and Moh. Alwi Kakoe representing the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Letters and Culture, candidate number two Ivdal Ruliyanto Abudi and Jasmin Dalanggo representing the Faculty of Education and Faculty of Agriculture, and candidate number three Dea Rahmawaty Hasan and Moh Rizki Budikusuma representing the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Sports and Health. (**)


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