GORONTALO – LTMPT has officially announced the selection of SBNPTN 2019 nationally, Friday 22nd of March on 13.00 WIB. It mentions 92.331 students are passed SNMPTN selection. In Universitas Negri Gorontalo the result of SNMPTN announced that students’ pass the selection gained 1.210 that qualified.
“In nationally gained 93.331 that qualified and passed the SNMPTN selection 2019. But, UNG obtained 1.210 students that passed the selection, said by Head of unit Academic Zumriyati Mohamadn, M.pd,.”
The selection of SNMPTN this year mention that registrar that chosen UNG as a target to continue the college obtained 3.096 students which are in varies school.” The participant announced fail on SNMPTN UG 2019 gained 1.859 peoples,” He said.Zumriyati stated that the determination of the selection SNMPTN is the centre of national committee with the assessment related students’ achievement itself that uploaded through register website and the quality of school proven by accreditation.
“The process determination of the students who passed the selection obviously qualified,” she said.
The student has been announced passed in UNG through SNMPTN must complete the administration of the requirement and few documents which use in re-registration later.
“ About the re-registration information, kindly find the official website UNG www. Pmb.ung.ac.id” she said.
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