GORONTALO – The Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences seeks to succeed in the accreditation stage for the Fishery Products Technology (THP) study program. As part of the accreditation stage, FPIK received a visit from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) to conduct a field assessment.
Dean of FPIK Dr. Abdul Hafidz Olii, M.Si, admitted that this time the accreditation targets the best results for the THP study program accreditation achievement by obtaining an excellent predicate. The target, said Hafidz, is quite reasonable, considering that previously the THP study program had obtained an A accreditation.
"We are trying to improve this grade A accreditation by targeting the achievement of excellence accreditation for study programs. With the preparations we have made, God willing, we will get the best result," said Hafidz.
According to Hafidz, since it was established until now, FPIK has always received more attention from the Chancellor of UNG, this form of attention will certainly be rewarded with various achievements by the faculty, one of which is the achievement of excellence accreditation for study programs.
"This series of accreditation implementations to field assessments is an important moment for FPIK to improve quality and capacity," he explained.
Meanwhile, the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Dr. Harto Malik, M.Hum, in his speech said that FPIK is one of the faculties that contributes to UNG's achievements, including the main performance indicators.
“FPIK's contribution is extraordinary, by being able to win several international grants. The record of achievement in academics and student affairs is very good," Harto said. (**)
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