GORONTALO - The faculty of social sciences (FIS), especially the public administration undergraduate study program, has again received lecturers with doctoral qualifications. The lecturer in the field of public administration education, namely Dr. Drs. Rusli Isa, M.Si, succeeded in obtaining a doctorate degree after going through the open examination for his doctoral promotion dissertation on Monday (30/6).
In the open examination of the doctoral program dissertation in the field of UNG Postgraduate public administration, Rusli successfully defended his dissertation with the title 'The Influence of Competence, Organizational Culture and Entrepreneurial Behavior on village owned business (BUMDes) Performance in Gorontalo Regency.
Through his dissertation, Rusli admitted that he is trying to improve the role and function of BUMDes, so that they can provide more benefits to the community.
"Currently, the development of BUMDes is constrained by management, especially if the managers are not competent, the management of BUMDes will not develop. Therefore, aspects of competence, organizational culture and entrepreneurial behavior affect the development of BUMDes," he said.
Meanwhile, the Rector of UNG, Dr. Ir. Eduart Wolok, ST, MT, also congratulated FIS lecturers on the success of obtaining a doctorate degree. He hopes that this success can motivate other lecturers, especially in the public administration study program, to continue learning to improve the quality of education up to the doctoral level. (**)
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