Appeared at the Move It Fest Event, Rector Joined in Entertaining the Gorontalo Community

Oleh: Rachmad Hidayah . 5 Juni 2022 . 00:14:31

Move It Fest music event. 2022, which was held by Idetimur at the UNG Rectorate yard, presented a number of artists and singers from eastern Indonesia to entertain the people of Gorontalo.

UNG Chancellor Dr. Ir. Eduart Wolok, ST, MT, as the host of the event also appeared at the event. In particular, the Chancellor contributed a song, by playing a duet with singer Vicky Salamor in a song entitled Tuhan Beta Mau Dia.

In front of thousands of spectators at the concert, the Chancellor did not look awkward to show his skills in singing in front of the original singer of the song, his action even received appreciation and rapturous applause from the audience.

The Rector admitted that he really supports the activities initiated by Idetimur. According to him, an event like this is a sign for the community to be able to move forward, after recent years facing the COVID-19 storm which has limited all activities of the entire community.

"By participating in the success of this event, UNG wants to invite the community to move forward and be more optimistic to rise after the pandemic," Rector said.

Rector hoped that through this kind of event, it can also be a place to stimulate the spirit of the younger generation of Gorontalo, to have no doubts in creating and developing themselves, especially in the field of music.

Move It Fest music event. 2022, which was held by Idetimur in the Rectorate yard, was a collaboration with UNG, especially the Alaskan Nature Lovers Student Organization (MPA), Faculty of Engineering. (**)


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