Gorontalo, The Doctor program of bahasa subject is literally legitimated first graduate in the beginning of 2019. The first alumnus who succeed in implementing doctor degree of bahasa is Dr.Mohamad Docmi Lachmudin, S.Pd, M.Pd, After through the process examination of promoting doctor in this case bahasa subject, Saturday 12thjanuary 2019, In university office on senate room.
In front of head session, postgraduateheadmaster , examiners and promoter Dr. Mohamad Docmi Lachmudin, S.Pd, M.Pd is success to defending the research entitled unity on Bahasa in Man model Gorontalo. As a first alumnus, Dr.Mohamad Docmi is success to achive the grade point average 3.90 as a Cum Laude predicate.
Vice Rector/Academic sector Prof. Dr. Mahludin Barwadi, M.Pas head session said that the successful of Bahasa;Doctor program leads his first alumnus. Finish the study is a proud and special moment at the time of UNG. Especially, the alumnus is gained cum laude predicate.
"Bahasa is one of doctor program in Universitas Negeri Gorontalo that success and have a alumnus. This achivement is obvious make proud, it because doctor program is deliver a qualified alumnus," stated by Prof.Mahludin.
Prof. Mahludin defined that the successful of gained the doctor program is full of responsible. Because a doctor is idealist with research and intellectual. Therefor, the values are a must to be defend and strengthen as a model of Academician.
“Congratulation over the degree that has been achived. The succed of gained the Academic degree is a platform to serve and knowladge to the peoples," (Translate:Vira)
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