The 4th ISC (International Students Conference) on English Language Teaching, Linguistic and Literature

Oleh: Abdul Wahid Rauf . March 5, 2017 . 19:41:00

The 4th International Students Conference 2017

“Empowering Global Community”


• Background

The challenges that exist in the progress of ASEAN Economic Community have become the main focus in the globalized world. These particular issues rise along with requirement of correct implementation of language capacity particularly in the region of South East Asia that can only be achieved by a mutual interaction among scholars around the region. The mutual interaction is also important to create a unification of different perspectives among the human smart community. Once the unification takes place, the vision of brand new level of fresh ideas on language mastery is only one step ahead in front of us.

Language mastery as the core of language capacity implementation to answer the challenge offered in the global era. English as the main global language and its mastery has already become a common practice to every participant of the progressive global society. Every region in the world has their own methods and ideas for the solution to English mastery problem. However, those ideas still lack of innovation that can only be sized by scientific study in an academic assembly attend by scholars around the world.

As response to this problem regarding the effort to bring new advance on the study of language science which focus on English Language Teaching, Linguistics and literature, students union of English Department of UnivesitasNegeri Gorontalo through academic interaction that embodied in an international level symposium, provides their scientific ideas at the 4th International Students Conference on English Language Teaching, Linguistics and literature on May 2nd to 3rd 2017.


• Venue

English Department State University of Gorontalo


• Important Date

o Abstract Submission Deadline : March 20th 2017

o Abstract Acceptance Notification : March 30th 2017

o Opening Registration : April 1st 2017

o D- Day ISC 2017 : May 2nd and 3rd 2017


• Invited Speaker

1. Manneke Budiman Ph. D

Universita Indonesia

2. Karmila Machmud Ph. D

Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

3. Alicia Bradley M.A.International Educational Development

English Language Fellow with RELO, US State Department


• Conference fee

- Early Bird (Until April 15th 2017)

1. Local Presenter : IDR 350.000, - per person

2. Local Participant : IDR 350.000, - per person

3. International Presenter : US $35 per person

4. International participant : US $35 per person


- Regular Registration (After April 15th 2017)

1. Local Presenter : IDR 375.000, - per person

2. Local Participant : IDR 375.000, - per person

3. International Presenter : US $37.5 per person

4. International participant : US $37.5 per person


- On site (May 2nd 2017)

1. Local Presenter : IDR 400.000, - per person

2. Local Participant : IDR 400.000, - per person

3. International Presenter : US $40 per person

4. International participant : US $40 per person


• Abstract Formatting Details

Maximum : 150 Words

Font Style : Times New Roman

Font Size : Text 12 Points, Title 14 Points


• Registration procedure

Send the email to with the following format:

Name :

Affiliation :

Presenter/ Participant :


• Facility

Seminar Kit, Meals, and International Certificate


• Online submission though


• Contact Person

Zulkifli Katili : +62 813 4025 4886

Novi Rusnarty Usu : +62 812 3758 5108

Lutfiah Baderan : +62 822 9303 7451



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