SDGs Center of UNG Strengthens Project Management Capacity through German Government Cooperation

Oleh: Abdul Wahid Rauf . March 17, 2022 . 14:39:51

GORONTALO – Universitas Negeri Gorontalo through the leadership of Dr. Ir. Eduart Wolok, S.T, M.T as Rector of UNG, continues to strive in building partnerships with various stakeholders both at home and abroad to participate in contributing to sustainable development goals (SDGs). One of these efforts is seen in the form of cooperation between the German government through GIZ and the SDGs Center of UNG, which has been established since the end of 2020. In order to support the German government through GIZ project SDGs SSTC to UNG through SDGs Center UNG, GIZ SDGs SSTC provides coaching and advising assistance to SDGs Center UNG. The strengthening capacity of the SDGs Center was accompanied by SustaIN as a national expert appointed by GIZ to focus on assisting project management and project cycles through process review activities and current project management capacity at SDGs Center UNG.

The assistance also provides reinforcement about the form and process of project supervision or control, the principles of project governance and management related to the SDGs to run effectively, efficiently and with integrity. 

In addition, the assistance material that is quite important for the SDGs Center is also the preparation of SDGs achievement proposals to get partner support in the multi-stakeholder partnership (MSP)with governments, non-governmental organizations, private parties (companies), philanthropies, international organizations, and other entities that have the potential to support the achievement of the SDGs directly.

The Chairman of SDGs Center UNG, Dr Raghel Yunginger, M.Si, said that the assistance was provided by SustaIN with the speakers Puline Arifin, SE, M.COMM and Dwi Siska, SH, MH, JSD, during these two days (March 10-11, 2021) which involved participants from study centers at LPPM UNG. The impact of this training is the improvement of the ability of the SDGs Center team in understanding Project Management starting from SMART planning, Implementation, Control, Monitoring, and Evaluation, as well as draft proposals in the form of fundraising towards the SDGs Center team and study centers. 

"The follow-up to this activity is the final proposal of cooperation in the form of fundraising with MSP partners both at home and abroad who support the achievement of the SDGs target," he explained. (**)


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