GORONTALO - A group of students of Food Technology Department (ITP) succeeded in creating healthy meatball products. Product of Student Creativity Program Entrepreneurship (PKM-K), which is named Bakso Kentang Goreng (Batang Goreng) becomes an alternative solution, for people who want to consume meatballs that are safe for health.
Batang Goreng is a meatless meatballs product, but replaced by potatoes as the main ingredient for making meatballs. Bakso based potatoes are healthier, cheaper and safe for people to consume
"The advantages of this meatball product can be safely consumed without causing health effects, and the basic ingredients used are potatoes that are quite easy to obtain," said Isman Saipi, representative of the PKM-K Batang Goreng group.
PKM-K product, funded by Kemenristekditi for the year 2017, is now starting to increase production and heavily marketed in the community of Gorontalo either directly or through online media. The response shown by the community is also very positive, with many people who are interested and buy meatball products.
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