GORONTALO - The Nursing Science Program confirmed 78 graduates of Profession Ners. Inauguration of the professional graduates of nursing science, conducted by Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. Mahludin Baruwadi, MP, to Prof. Ners yudisium on Friday (28/7), at the New Graha Hotel Gorontalo Hall.
Chairman of Nursing Science Program, dr. Nanang Roswita Paramata, M.Kes, said that Ners graduates who are inaugurated are professional students of Ners class of academic year 2016-2017. Achievement of academic achievement of 78 graduates of Ners profession, in the form of cumulative achievement index of graduates is very satisfactory.
The 5th Class Graduates of Ners are able to earn an average GPA above 3.00 and some even earn a GPA of 4.00. "Alhamdulillah Ners UNG graduates are able to achieve a satisfactory IPK, and supported by a skill competition that qualified.We strongly prioritize the quality and competence of graduates in the educational process," he said.
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Mahludin expects that qualified graduates from Nursing Science Program of UNG can devote their knowledge to serve the needs of medical personnel in Gorontalo Province. "78 Ners graduates are expected to complement the needs of medical professionals in the field of professional nursing in Gorontalo Province," he hoped.
Prof. Mahludin believes with the competence of knowledge which is equipped with skill of occupying as professional nurse, UNG graduates will be able to compete in work especially to give good service for society
"There will be some hospitals that will be built in Gorontalo that require a competent nurse, and I am sure that UNG graduates can compete to fill the needs of nurses."
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