Gorontalo, National waste free movement has been echoed by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK). The target is a waste-free Indonesia in 2020. In Gorontalo, the waste-free target is also a concern of regional leaders at both the provincial and district / city levels. Various environmental elements and organizations are taking part with a variety of ideas to create a city or area free of waste.
The Student of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Gorontalo State University is present through PKM community service activity entitled Waste Processing Program with RUPIAh (Rumah Pendidikan Sampah). This idea was then submitted to the Ministry of Rector of Dikti through a fairly rigorous proposal selection process and approved for implementation in 2017. PKMM RUPIAH Group consists of Putri Ekawaty Kobandaha (Chairman), Mohamad Mokoginta, Djamal Adi Nugorho Uno, and Dewisri Surayi Tumiran respectively as a Member, with Lecturer Nurwan, M.Si. this activity is centered in TPS 3R Masuru Village Kwandang District, North Gorontalo Regency. The event was officially in Launching on Thursday, April 20, 2017 which was attended by Head of Department of Environment of Gorontalo Utara Regency, Dean of FMIPA, Head of PKM UNG, Deputy Dean 3 FMIPA UNG, Supervisor, Masuru Village Head, Gorut Health Department Element, Gorut forestry, lecturers within FMIPA and Masuru villagers.
Head of North Gorontalo District Life Service Office, Ridwan Dayi, ST in his speech expressed high appreciation to the students and lecturers who have done this activity. This activity is considered beneficial for the community and the environment. Ridwan Dayi, ST also added that the danger caused by the amount of waste that is wasted everywhere is the emergence of various diseases, environmental damage and even if the waste is thrown into the river it is not impossible flood disaster will threaten. With the presence of RUPIAH activities by students, Masuru village community will have sufficient knowledge about waste processing
Present in this activity is also Dean FMIPa UNG Prof. Dr. Evi Hulukati, M.Pd who gave a speech at the same time officially opened the implementation of Community Service Dedication in Masuru Village Kwandang District. The opening is marked with PKM Launching: Waste Processing Effort with RUPIAH. Prof. Evi Hulukati, also said that the existence of universities can provide solutions to the problems faced by the community. Like only the activities of students with lecturers in this village masuru. Students present in the community carry the name of universities with the aim of helping the community in managing waste both organic and non organic waste through Rupiah (Home education garbage). Various activities that will be implemented by students related to the PKMM program in Masuru Village, Kwandang Sub-district, Prof. Evi Hulukati who is also active in various activities of community empowerment in overcoming various social problems of society.
Present at the launching event PKMM RUPIAH is Head of PKM UNG Mr. Irwan Yantu, M. Si, Mrs. Lisna Ahmad, M.Si., and Vice Dean 3 FMIPA DR. Tedy Machmud, M.Pd. The hope is well-prepared student activities, able to provide education to the community as well as economic impact and which is primarily a waste-free area. In addition, Irwan Yantu, M.Si, expects the idea of ??waste processing with RUPIAH able to compete and pass the national level melalaui PIMNAs in 2017 in Makassar.
Community support from this activity looks how enthusiastic the community to attend the launching PKMM RUPIAH (Waste education house). In addition the community also provides a variety of traditional cuisine as an expression of gratitude for the holding of waste management activities through PKM-M Rupiah.
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