GORONTALO - The Technical Executing Unit (UPT) for Student Career Development (PKM), also known as the Student Career Development Center of Universitas Negeri Gorontalo (UNG), held training to develop students' interests and talents in the field of journalism on Thursday (6/4/2023) at the Hall of UPT PKM UNG. The training was officially opened by Vice-Rector 3 for Student and Alumni Affairs, Muhammad Amir Arham.
Participants from each faculty delegation attended the training. Its keynote speakers were senior journalist Femi Udoki who spoke about interview techniques, Rosyid Azhar, about Photography, and Jitro Paputungan, about how to write news.
Vice-Rector 3 Amir Arham said that students were prepared to become journalists.
"The existence of UKM Jurnalistik (Student Activity Unit for Journalism) of UNG aims to facilitate students to become pioneers to do and share positive things and create achievements," he said.(**)
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Kegiatan UNG bersholawat dilaksanakan pukul 19.15 WITA.