GORONTALO –To strengthen collaboration and synergy among institutions, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo is collaborating with Gorontalo Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP). The collaboration was marked by the signing of a cooperation agreement between the two institutions.
In his remarks, the Vice-Rector for General and Finance Affairs Dr. Yuniarti Koniyo, M.P., welcomed the collaboration between UNG and BPKP of Gorontalo. She also uttered that this collaboration was very beneficial for UNG because the agreement would lead to other collaboration from all faculties and working units with BPKP of Gorontalo.
"All faculties are invited to be involved in implementing collaboration, especially since the current financial management is digital-based so that it will assist faculties in financial management and development," she said.
A real form of collaboration between UNG and BPKP, said Yuniarti, has been carried out in recent years, where this has become a good collaboration, especially for UNG.
"Previously, there was no MoU, so we are grateful that the MoU and cooperation agreement have been signed. It is hoped that through this collaboration document, we both will collaborate more intensely to support the progress of the institution," she hoped.
Meanwhile, the Head of BPKP of Gorontalo Heru Tarsila, SE, Akt., CA, CGCAE, said the cooperation agreement was a follow-up to the cooperation that had been signed between the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology and the Head of the Auditor Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK RI).
"The goal of the cooperation agreement is to synergize and strengthen good governance, especially at UNG," concluded Heru. (**)
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