GORONTALO – Prior to the 2024 MBKB election program in village, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo organized coaching sessions for students who will participate in the service program.
The coaching was held in the UNG Rectorate hall, attended by 581 students from various faculties online and offline, who will take part in the MBKM political education and participatory supervision program for the 2024 Election for the next 35 days, which focuses on villages in the Gorontalo Province.
Head of the Academic Support Unit for Career Development and Entrepreneurship Zhulmaydin Chairil Fachrussyah, S.St.Pi, M.Si., as the responsible unit of this program, said that this session aimed to prepare field supervising lecturers and students before engaging in community service in the 2024 MBKM election program. So, in the end, it is hoped that students will understand the to-do lists in the village to make the elections a success.
"The coaching presents the MBKM program partners, the General Election Commission (KPU) of Gorontalo Province and the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Gorontalo Province as presenters," said Zhulmaydin.
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Dr. Abdul Hafidz Olii, M.Si., said that through MBKM elections program, UNG is partnering with election organizers to show campus commitment to be present in the community, to ensure the successful implementation of the 2024 elections with integrity.
"UNG will be part of the successful elections with the KPU and Bawaslu in supporting a successful, smooth and fair election implementation process in accordance with mutual expectations. "For this reason, it is hoped that student involvement will lead to a successful result as expected," he explained. (**)
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