Graduating on time and having achievements is no longer impossible. Those are the issues raised in the successful webinar Study in Higher Education which was held online by the UNG Library Technical Implementation Unit (Thursday, 24/3).
In his remarks, UNG's Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Dr. Harto Malik, explained that studying at a university requires perseverance, which is one of the important factors that will help students complete their studies on time.
Harto added that lectures are not limited to just inside the classroom, but also outside the classroom. "There are lots of extracurricular activities that students can use for self-development and future careers, including through the MBKM Program," Harto explained.
The executive committee, Dr. Abid, said that this webinar presented three speakers, namely Musfira, MA (FSB alumni), Indrawan, S.Pd (MIPA alumni) and Hans Ruchban, S.Pd (Chairman of IPI Gorontalo). These UNG alumni shared their stories and tips on how to go through lectures at UNG and excel in various activities.
Meanwhile, the Chairman of IPI Gorontalo conveyed various information about the services of the UNG Library UPT which can support students during their study period at UNG. This webinar, which is open to the public, is hosted by the 2021 UNG Reading Ambassador, Nabila Khairunnisa, with the main target being new students currently in semester 2 and high school, vocational and Madrasah Aliyah students throughout Gorontalo Province.
Held by Faculty of Education Universitas Negeri Gorontalo and supported by ten universities as co-hosts and an organisation.
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