The UNG library continues to support the spirit of literacy among students and librarians in digital form. In fact, to maximize the development of literacy content, the UNG Library conducted literacy workshops on the development of digital literacy content in the form of videos.
Head of UNG library Dr. Ismet Sulila, SE., M.Si, said that the literacy workshop is a step for the library to develop literacy content to stimulate the literacy spirit for the community.
Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Alumni Prof. Karmila Mahmud, M.A, Ph.D, said the workshop focused on digital literacy content was very innovative and answered the challenges of the times. Especially in the current era of technology, digital content in the form of videos will attract more people's interest so that it becomes the right way to attract literacy interest.
According to Karmila, the important thing at this time is how to provide digital literacy knowledge to students, because this is very important in the midst of technological developments.
"By having digital literacy knowledge, it is hoped that it will equip them to learn, get information, work and connections as well as networks that can support their success," she said.
Held by Faculty of Education Universitas Negeri Gorontalo and supported by ten universities as co-hosts and an organisation.
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