UNG is officialy gained medical programme study approval

Oleh: Abdul Wahid Rauf . January 26, 2019 . 10:10:00


Gorontalo – Gorontalo people; especially civitas academics is curious about establishment of proggrame study of medical, finally has been answered. UNG as pride college of Gorontalo sociaty has been legitimated proggramme study of medical degree programme and medical education ; doctor profession programmgeby Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education.

The establishment approval of programme study gave by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Prof. Mohamad Nasir, Ph.D, AK , Meanwhile visiting UNG on general dialog with UNG’s student, Tuesday (24th january), in Auditorium.

On the submitting ministerial decree ofdoctor programme studyby Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, it was suddenly made lecturer , academic staf and also student were surprised, becausethere was not an information about the sceducle it self. In fact, Some of lecturer and students are touched with happy tear because finally UNG had a opportunity to open doctor programme study.

Minister Prof. Mohamad Nasir, Ph.D, AK states that UNG is proper to establish medical programme study, and it based on assessment by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education.

“Congratulations to UNG that had been got legitimate for medical education and doctor profession. He hopes that the process education will be going just fine.”

With the legalization that given, Minister hopes that UNG could be promise for well education which means committed to take responsibility above the quality, high eduction and it can not be useless education.

“ hopefully, UNG be able to fulfill the human resources need in medical sector in province of Gorontalo. And it can be supporting the means of local government to realise quality of healty service “.


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