GORONTALO – After conducting outreach on the National Selection for New Student Admissions (SNPMB) for school principals and operators, UNG continues its commitment to reach more people to disseminate information to school students. Information dissemination was done through outreach and promotion of SNPMB 2024 for SMA/SMK/MA students throughout Gorontalo Province on Friday (19/1).
Head of the Academic, Student Affairs and Planning Bureau (BAKP) Zumriyati Mohamad, M.Pd., stated that the outreach aimed to provide complete information to prospective students regarding the selection process for new student admissions, requirements, and procedures for online registration.
“It is very important for students to understand the stages of college admission selection well. Through outreach and promotion of SNPMB it will provide information and an in-depth understanding of the selection process. "We want students to be ready and confident to take part in the selection for new student admissions in 2024," said Zumriyati.
Hundreds of school students enthusiastically welcomed the outreach and promotional activities, students even used this opportunity to ask questions and tips for registering for SNPMB, whether the National Achievement-Based Selection (SNBP), National Test-Based Selection (SNBT), or the independent selection for State Universities pathways. (**)
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