GORONTALO – Through postgraduate, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo gave title doctor honoris causa to Ary Mochtar Pedju, M.Arch from Gorontalo, Monday ( February 4th). The title which given to him is Doctor honoris causa (Dr. HC) to science education and Technology.
In the proccesion giving the title Doctor honoris causa,it given when the senate meeting on conferment of doctor honoris causa which is lead by Rector UNG Prof. Syamsu Qamar Badu, M.Pd with member of senate univercity.
Rector UNG Rector UNG Prof. Syamsu Qamar Badu, M.Pd, said that by the giving that title is one of the respect and appreciate UNG above his dedicate on science development. Furthermore, althought Ary Mochtar Pedju, M.Arch is aged man, he did consistence to develop science and technology.
“Althought the aged man , he never lacking of energy to discuss about science and technology and that is how make him fabulous. By his constribution made him competent to accept the title of honoris causa.” Said by Prof. Syamsu.
By the giving the title, Prof.Syamsu said that it become a pride moment to UNG, it because this is the first time in history of UNG gives a honoris causa to one of society. “ On A accreditation, UNG has competent and fulfill the requirment to giving the title”. In order to this moment become a pride moment for all of us.
Meanwhile, Vice goverment province of Gorontalo Dr. Drs. Idris Rahim, MM, measure the giving the title to Ary Mochtar Pedju, M.Arch is absoloutly worthy because of his contribution in Science and Technology.
“The highest appreciate to Mr.Ary Mochtar Pedju, M.Arch about the contribution in science and technology; in education, the experience and also his works. Besides it, Ary Mochtar Pedju, M.Arch and family are do a charity to share their wealthy to UNG during the time of A accreditation of UNG.” Said by Dr. Idris.
The audience of the meeting are memeber of senate, All of the head in UNG environment, member of DPR and DPD RI and the others.
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