GORONTALO – To Strengthen the collaboartion between Region Government with Institue of Technology and Higher Education, The sub- province of south Bolaang Mongondow with Universitas Negeri Gorontalo is dealing to strengthen the agreement of cooperation.
The implementation of the agreement between both of them is signature the memoradum of understanding (MOU) by Rector of UNG Prof. Dr. Syamsu Qamar Badu, M.Pd, and Regent of Sub.Provinve of South Bolaang Mongondow Iskandar Kamaru, S.Pd, Monday 28th of January.Ractor of UNG Prof.Syamsu admit that he is happy with the agreement. It becasue one key to strengthen and develop a institute of education through good agreement of cooperation with another.
Syamsu Qamar Badu said that “ in this time we are facing world collaboration with all parties, because through the agreement , enyone can be strengthen each other”.
According to Rector, UNG as Institute of Higher Education have very fine agreement background with The government of Region. Example is the implementation agreement between utara-utara which are involved 3 different government of Regon; that strengthen with few programme till now.
“This Agreement of cooperation is involving various scope, beacause UNG has 10 faculty with various basic education. Certainly, UNG will be commited in this programme of agreement,” he stated.
Regent of Sub.Provinve of South Bolaang Mongondow Iskandar Kamaru, S.Pd, is exceptionally appreciate the support from UNG to Government of Sub- Province of South Bolaang Mongondow through this Agreement. Iskandar hopes the agreement become a advancement of institute and The Region that for people.
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