Abdul Rahman Imran, an alumnus of the Public Health Department of Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, was named one of the best graduates of Griffith University of Australia.
Due to this achievement, Rahman was even asked to deliver a commencement speech in front of thousands of other graduates.
Rahman revealed that he was chosen to deliver the speech since he managed to get the best grades in his faculty, namely the School of Medicine and Dentistry.
"Each of the best graduates in each faculty participates in another selection based on grades and department recommendations. Then, after the candidates are shortlisted, they must write a speech script. Then, you must take part in the selection process to give a speech. "Of the 8 candidates who took part in the selection, I was chosen by the jury," he said.
Rahman admitted that he would return to Gorontalo after his study.
"I would be happy to return to serve at UNG as a lecturer," he said.
Meanwhile, the Rector of Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Prof. Dr. Ir. Eduart Wolok, S.T., M.T. uttered he was proud of the achievement of the 2012 UNG graduate and would welcome Rahman Imran to serve at UNG.
"UNG will welcome Rahman Imran to serve at UNG as a lecturer. "Moreover, his scientific field is indispensable at UNG, which is currently developing the Tomini Bay Area," he said.
Eduart asserted that UNG is currently focusing on supporting regional health systems by strengthening departments at UNG, such as the Faculty of Sports and Health and the Faculty of Medicine. So that, Eduart reckons human resources at UNG, especially in the health and medical fields, must be strengthened with professional human resources.
"Moreover, for example, our region is currently facing critical issues such as stunting, malnutrition among children, including expectant mothers, and limited health workers, so this has become the focus of UNG as "The Engine of Tomini Bay," explained Prof. Eduart.
Held by Faculty of Education Universitas Negeri Gorontalo and supported by ten universities as co-hosts and an organisation.
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Online Seminar for National Education Day. The speaker are Dr. Eduart Wolok, ST, MT, Karmila Machmud, MA, Ph.D, Drs. Amin Nusi, M.Pd. Live streaming from Fanspage Facebook Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
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