GORONTALO - With the implementation of the Neo Feeder application as a medium for managing university academic data by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemdikbudristek), UNG began to actively socialize the use of the application. Neo Feeder socialization is carried out to the academic community, especially study program operators, which are coupled with technical guidance on PIN data management.
PDDIKTI UNG Coordinator, Firdaus Zakaria, S.Pd, M.Pd, explained that Neo Feeder is an application to replace previous applications that have expired. It serves to accommodate the reporting of academic data from all universities.
"This application was officially used on March 1, 2022, yesterday. However, the new socialization can be carried out because it is waiting for the installation process and data migration that takes time," explained Firdaus.
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Dr. Harto Malik, M.Hum, said that currently, the college management is transforming using the sign on single model, so that the transformation must be supported by the entire academic community in UNG.
Harto hopes that the socialization can provide understanding to operators so that they can optimally report UNG’s academic data.
"Reporting this data is very important for UNG. Of course, with the understanding of operators and supports by facilities, it is hoped that the operator's performance related to the use of the Neo Feeder application can be more optimal," said Harto.
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