GORONTALO – To kick start the beginning of the year, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo (UNG) academic community assembled for the morning roll call (work assembly) in 2024. This first assembly was led by the Rector, Prof. Dr. Ir. Eduart Wolok, S.T., M.T., and attended by the entire academic community including university officials, officials at the faculty level, lecturers and education staff.
On this occasion, the rector urged the UNG academic community to welcome activities in 2024 with full optimism, so they could achieve even better achievements than the previous year for an excellent and competitive UNG.
"In this new year, we must continue to be optimistic and improve our performance to face all the challenges faced throughout 2024," said the Rector.
According to him, during 2023, UNG went through various challenges and struggles and managed to deal with them with great joy together. The journey even led UNG to become one of the best universities, with various achievements and proud accomplishments in various fields.
"The success story in 2023 was attained solely through our collective enthusiasm and commitment to improve the quality of achievements and proud accomplishments. For this reason, let us welcome 2024 with new enthusiasm, strong determination and solid togetherness so that UNG can continue to maintain or even improve its achievements to assert our status as an excellent and competitive campus," he concluded. (**)
Held by Faculty of Education Universitas Negeri Gorontalo and supported by ten universities as co-hosts and an organisation.
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