GORONTALO – UTBK as a one of conditional in registering new student through SBMPTN selection 2019 (Seleksi bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri ), it begins nationally, Saturday 13th of april. Universitas Negeri Gorontalo also begin and accompany by 699 of examinees.
“On the first day of UTBK, it begins nationally and UNG helding the test which are accompanied by 699 candidates. The first test devided in two section ; in the morning and day” stated by Head of executor UTBK Dr. Sukarman Kamuli, M.Si,.
Sukarman belived that to make the test going well, the axecutor has provided facility and infrasturture, they are 13 of rooms test on campus area and 4 rooms in outside of the campus. On the fisrt day test is through well wherever no constrained that push the student on hard time in UTBK.
“The infastruture has conducted since several day before the day. In the day is make sure the test through well witout any constrain” , he said.
Meanwhile in UNG side, Vice rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Mahludin Baruwadi, M.P. has giving support about UTBK. In fact, in other side, PLN is also support UTBK test through providing an electrcity.
“Besides electricity, any other like facilities and infrastructure; computer and internet provider, it suppose to make the test through well. Alhamdullillah since the first day the test is success, said by Prof. Mahludin.
As known, the amount of the registrant UTVK in UNG on SBMPTN selection 2019 gained 6898 candidates. The Implementin UTBK begin since 13th of april 2019 until 26th of may 2019 up coming and all of the test only conduct every Saturday and Sunday.
Apel dalam rangkaian peringatan hari lahir UNG
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