GORONTALO – The 2024 MBKM (Emancipated Learning – Independent Campus) Political Education and Participatory General Election Supervision Program, which will be taken place in collaboration with the Gorontalo Province KPU and the Gorontalo Province Bawaslu, makes UNG the first campus to hold this program in Indonesia.
UNG Rector Prof. Dr. Eduart Wolok, S.T., M.T., said that community service activities through the 2024 MBKM Political Education and Participatory General Election Supervision Program are important because no one has done it substantially.
"Students’ participatory activities in general election monitoring carried out structurally, formally and officially do not yet exist. "So through this UNG program, Gorontalo Province will be an example for participatory general election supervision," said the Rector.
This MBKM Pemilu (General Election) program brings many challenges as it indirectly relates with the identity of higher education institutions involved in general election supervision. However, through this program, the Rector admitted that there was an important moral message he wanted to convey through this program.
According to him, thus far, Gorontalo is a region with few influence nationally in terms of the number of votes. However, on the other hand, he believes that Gorontalo’s human resources can contribute to national political dynamics.
"For this reason, through the MKBM general election program, UNG aims to convey an important message that Gorontalo can also hold a good and correct political program and contribute to Indonesia’s general election," he explained.
To make the 2024 MBKM Political Education and Participatory General Election Supervision Program a success, the Rector admitted that he needed collaboration and support from the various parties involved. So that later, Gorontalo Province can become a pilot project for full and proper general election participation. (**)
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