The Working meeting ISMAPET Rigion V Strengthen the organization of husbandry student

Oleh: Abdul Wahid Rauf . March 21, 2019 . 11:29:00


GORONTALO – The Faculty of husbandry Universitas Negeri Gorontalo become host to working meeting XI ISMAPRTI ( The Organization of husbandry student of Indonesia) Region V, Wednesday 20th of March,. The working meeting is helding in hall of Rektorat ( centre building of UNG) and involved deligation of husbandry student from the largest University in the East of Indonedia Celebes till Papua.

Coordinator of the Region V ISMAPETI stated this meeting is the way to keep in relationship between member of ISAMPETI related in several University. Wherever, one of the main aim is to creating new programme together and it can strengthen the programme of hubandary programme.

“This is the platform to developing the cooperation and also solidarity to unite in strengthening the organization of ISMAPETI especially Region V” He said.

The Dean of Faculty Husbandry UNG Dr. Ikbal Bahuwa , A.Pt, M.Si mentioned that the organization from varies University in form ISMAPETI is not only about the relationship but as platform to discuss, brainstorming, to making the animal husbandry in Indoendia more developed.

“ The student is the barn of creative idea. In order to using the organization to discuss about brilliant idea. Furhermore, it can used to stengthen the animal husbandry sector in Indonesia. So, used that oranization”, Stated by Ikbal.

Meanwhile, Vice Rector III UNG Dr. Udin Hamim, A.Pd, M.Si assessed that it is time to student of ISMAPATI take a role to supporting government on strenthening the Husbandry sector. The Husbandry is the best programme, it make the government can not be independent to strengthen the programme , but it need several parties Academics particularly.

“The Husbandry programme in the goverment of region or centre are difficult to realized without support from human resource of husbandry. In result, the student have to present and support that programme that aims to the prosperity of society,” Expected by Vice Rector III.


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