Gorontalo – The Students of agriculture faculty Universitas Negeri Gorontalo has partisipated in Djuanda Management Competition 2019, which hold in Universitas Djuanda since march 25th of 2019.
The competition led by Elya Nusantri Dampolii, Tri Sud Yayan from Agribusiness and Gito Saputro Yunus from programme study of food science technology show their capability of debate in Djuana manajement competition in Bogor, Province of West Java. Further, they brought the victory as 2nd runner up .
According to Wawan Tolinggi as Vice dean II of Agriculture faculty that the representative ofUNG was succeed on the competition. “UNG was lose from Universitas Gadja mada as a winner and Universitas Jambi as 1st runner up”, He said.
The successful was because of the student’s best perofmance in debate. The gained of the result was good enough and maximal because if it be compered with another university were peform very well either, and they were desire to got the winner in this competition.
“Alhamdullillah, the result is very satisfied from the representative student of UNG. He hopes that the successful can be acceleration to start another achievement to UNG’s student in 2019”.
Apel dalam rangkaian peringatan hari lahir UNG
Kegiatan UNG bersholawat dilaksanakan pukul 19.15 WITA.