GORONTALO – The registration of new students through National selection for public universities (SNMPTN) 2019 is over. Althought, the new student who wants to register in Universitas Negeri Gorontalo still has a chance to register in another selection; SBMPTN and Local selection.
Public Relations (Public Relations) of SBMPTN UNG Wahidun Usulu, S.Pd, stated that as a rule of acceptance of new public university students, UNG is giving a chance to the student to register in 3 selections: SNMPTN, SBMPTN and Local selection.
"And the end of SNMPTN selection is not the end at all but students can register for selection, stated by Wahidun"
Due the schedule is start 10 June and end 24 of June 2019 via online http://penbesaran.sbmptn.ac. Id but before registration, students are supposed to accompany written test of computer based (UTBK), where the result of UTBK will be used for registration for SBMPTN selection 2019.
“While the local selection will open after SBMPTN ends. "The local selection becomes the last opportunity to enter UNG university," He said.
Furthermore, Wahidun explained that the quota of the registration new students of UNG reached around 6000 for candidates of new students. SBMPTN selection quota provided 40% of all amount quota, while in Local selection provided 30% of quota.
A joint ceremony to commemorate UNG's birthday
The UNG prayer activity was held at 19.15 WITA.