Gorontalo – The student of UNG that joined on programme of Afirmasi pendidikan tinggi (ADik) meet Secretary of Directore General of Belmawa Kemenristekdikti (Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education) Rina Indiastuti, Wednesday 23rd of January. That meeting is flowed vary gentle and very welcomed by the secretary and he listening student’s confine.
Rina also gives some dose of motivation to the student; so, they can feel pleasant, passionate to accomplishing the study. It beacasue the government is counting to the student as an Icon of Nation in the future through the ADik programme.
Rina said that “ As the ambassador of Nation, be expected to have a quality about human resouce that qualified which capable to be contribiuted in Nation, easpecially each region.
Through the programme of ADik, The Government provides a prospority accurance in form fund education in the big value only for ambassadorof Nation. Furthermore , this opportunity have to use in right way with the big goals ; that developing knowledge and ability to reach human resource of Indonesia that qualified and competitive.
She said that “Do not waste the opportunity of this programme, because Indonesia needs qualified human resource to developing a Nation. Because as son and daughter of Nation, you are targeted to be a good man”.
Apel dalam rangkaian peringatan hari lahir UNG
Kegiatan UNG bersholawat dilaksanakan pukul 19.15 WITA.