GORONTALO – Universitas Negeri Gorontalo has been honored by the visit of a special guest: the Secretary General of the National Resilience Council, Vice Admiral of Indonesian National Armed Forces (Laksdya TNI), Dr. Ir. Harjo Susmoro, S.Sos, S.H, M.H, M.Tr (Opsla). In addition to the series of meetings with the Academic Community, the arrival of important people from the National Resilience Council is also to share knowledge with students through public lecture activities.
The public lecture is held as a forum to enriching and giving new knowledge to students, discussing national security strategies in order to make Indonesia the world's maritime axis by being attended directly and online by hundreds of UNG students.
Vice Rector of Student Affairs and Alumni, Prof. Karmila Mahmud, MA, Ph.D., said that public lectures are a forum to open and expand students' horizons from various sources of science. Moreover, the theme presented at public lectures is essential to encourage student involvement to realize Indonesia as the world's maritime axis.
"This public lecture will be very useful for UNG which is currently focusing and improving in initiating the development of special economic zones in the Tomini bay area, which is certainly closely related to the topic of maritime axis," explained Karmila.
Laksdya TNI Dr. Ir. Harjo Susmoro, S.Sos, S.H, M.H, M.Tr (Opsla) in his lecture discussed several important elements in the national security strategy. He stated that realizing these ideals must be based on Pancasila and the 1945 constitution and supported by the insight of the archipelago and the astagatra order. (**)
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