GORONTALO – After being declared the winner in the 2023 Pilbem (Student Executive Board Election), Hendrawan Datukramat as President and Asnianti Awila as Vice President for the 2023 term explained the vision and mission in running the organization of the Student Executive Board (BEM).
The vision and mission for the highest student organizations at Universitas Negeri Gorontalo were delivered before the University officials and students on Wednesday (1/2), at the UNG Auditorium.
In his presentation, Hendrawan said that as President and Vice President-elect, both of them would carry the vision of realizing the Student Executive Board organization as a central catalyst for the movement of character and knowledge as well as progressive and inclusive community service to create UNG as an excellent and competitive campus.
"To be a great organization, we need to make breakthroughs that can create catalytic changes, that can react to changes quickly and are also responsive," said Hendrawan.
Later the BEM will raise the main instrument, namely the movement catalyst, where the BEM position must be the center of the aspirations of all UNG students. They also aim to create an organization capable of creating great academics. Further, both of them will carry out the BEM program as an organization that strengthens the character and knowledge of students.
"We will also focus so that BEM can take a role in developments and social issues through community service programs," he explained. (**)
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