GORONTALO - In strengthening the realization of the Integrity Zone towards a Corruption-Free Area (WBK) and a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM), the Faculty of Education conducts Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev). This current Monev was carried out to improve the integrity zone development documents in areas 1 to 6.
The Head of the Integrity Zone Work Team, Prof. Dr. Maryam Rahim, M.Pd, revealed that the Faculty of Education (FIP) was one of the faculties appointed by the Rector to construct integrity zones in six areas. These areas included area 1 of change management, area 2 of management administration, area 3 of management system arrangement, area 4 of strengthening accountability, area 5 of strengthening supervision, and area 6 of improving the quality of public services.
"This monitoring and evaluation are directly from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, so we are still waiting for a decision whether we will have the opportunity to continue the Evaluation Worksheet (LKE). However, we are optimistic about the opportunity as, according to the assessors, 80% of LKE can be fulfilled," said Maryam.
The FIP Dean, Dr. Arwildayanto, M.Pd. explained that the integrity zone is a change in service, a good change, which is prime, anti-corruption, high performance, including renewal of educational innovations in work to make it easier for students and the community to be served.
"If FIP is passed, it will later transform to other faculties at UNG as a form of Pilot Project from the Rector. So, FIP is expected to be the first faculty at UNG to enter the integrity zone," he concluded. (**)
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