Gorontalo – The Attandance of by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Prof. Mohamad Nasir, Ph.D, AK, in maroon college become pride to Civitas Academica of Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. The biggest pride felt by student achievement of UNG that obtained a reward from Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education.
During his attendance in UNG, in the event of public dialogue with the student of UNG, Prof. Nasir giving the reward to student achievement of UNG that has highest College Accumulative Score. Never had a long thought, the rewards are 5 units of personal computer / leptop to 5 best students.
Prof.Nasir stated that by the giving the reward is the form of apprecitation of Research, Technology and Higher Education to the student who had a academic achievement through reaching College Accumulative Score with the satisfy score. The reward that given to the student is the thing that worth to have to supporting the process education.
He hopes that “ the reward can be use for college on the process education or it can be helped to work assignment. Just keep spirit and study hard , so that you guys can be qualified alumnus.
Meanwhile, Rika Khairiyah is the one of student who got the reward said that she is thankful above the reward (leptop) and the reward is really important to supporting the college activity especially to work an assignments.
Particularly , she is Bidikmisi/scholarship’s student and less of fund so that it can helped her to change the broken leptop with the new one.
“Alhamdullillah this is my fortune. Hopefully this new leptop can help me to work an assignment and this reward, I will be keep it safely. She said with the happy face”.
Apel dalam rangkaian peringatan hari lahir UNG
Kegiatan UNG bersholawat dilaksanakan pukul 19.15 WITA.